The Second Vatican Council of the Church asks all Catholics to be active members of the Church in virtue of our baptism. In the ritual of baptism, we have a prayer that says “we are united to Christ who is priest, prophet and king.” We sometimes forget these important truths:
A. We share in the priesthood of Christ.
B. We are sent as apostles and missionaries to proclaim the Gospel to all creatures.
C. We are part of the kingdom of God, and we are responsible in creating a better world and a civilization of love.
Our church needs your help in the liturgical ministries. As Catholics who are empowered by your baptism to act in the name of Christ our Priest.
Please note, to comply with archdiocesan safe environment policies, all volunteers are required to complete a parish registration form, sign the covenant of care form and complete the Called to Protect training. Volunteers with ministries categorized as high or medium risk are also required to undertake the Police information Check as well as the Intervention Record Check if volunteering in ministries involving children or youth.